Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Response to Fund-Raising Letter from Kamala Harris 12 February 2025


Dear Former Vice-President Harris,

Thank you for your e-mail requesting $150 so “the Democratic Party would have the resources needed to flip the House and put a check on Trump's power for the second half of his term wouldn't you feel like it was $150 well spent?”

I am retired, living on Social Security and a small 401(k), yet I managed to scrounge up $1200 last year to send to your campaign, as well as the Democratic House and Senate election committees. The result is what we are confronted with daily from Donald Trump and his Republican – and other – accomplices. I didn’t get what I paid for last year, so why should I place another order?

Even worse, your letter assumes any of this will matter in two years. Democratic leadership is standing by, taking a ‘business as usual’ approach when the situation calls for something different. There are millions of concerned people who are looking for something concrete to do NOW, not contribute to a campaign that may not take place until after the barn is empty.

Where have you been? Why were you not at the Lincoln Memorial on January 18? I was there, along with thousands of others. Why have you not been visible and lending your name to protests? I might pay $150 to have you show up at the Department of Education and demand entry, as one of my senators (Chris can Hollen) did last week.

You might as well take me off all Democratic mailing lists as, until the party becomes more proactive and exercises real leadership, future requests for donations will only result in more responses like this.

Dana King

Laurel MD

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